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Due to the closure of the Clinique Uro-Physio as of July 2025, we are pleased to inform you that our partner, the Clinique Physio Familiale, will ensure, with our expertise, the continuity of your care. We must therefore transfer our waiting list to this location.
Physio Familiale clinic is located at 745 ch. d'Aylmer suite 204

If you have contacted the Uro-Physio clinic to leave your name on our waiting list, we must obtain your consent so that your name is transferred to the Physio Familiale clinic in order to receive the care you need. It would therefore be important to call us at (819)243-3228 to let us know if you wish to be transferred to the Physio Familiale clinic. We look forward to meeting you there!

We remain available for any questions and thank you for your trust. Thank you for your cooperation!

Our services

Perineal and pelvic
floor rehabilitation

It has been shown that perineal and pelvic floor rehabilitation is a very effective approach for any problem concerning the perineum. It has also been established that this approach should be tried first, before considering any other approach.

Orthopaedic physiotherapy

Our orthopaedic physiotherapy approach takes care of your muscles, bones and joints. Our physiotherapists treat a multitude of problems, whether recent or chronic, related to the musculoskeletal or neurological system.

Don't wait any longer, take care of yourself !